In any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or to step back into safety.


The client-therapist relationship is consistently noted as being the primary factor in successful therapy. Finding the right therapist is an important part of your growth. Book a free 15 minute consultation to see if we are good match. We are more than happy to provide referrals to alternative practitioners to best support your journey.

15 minutes


*daytime appointments only (10am to 5pm)

Some people get what they need from just a few sessions. If there is a topic(s) that require digging a little deeper & more processing time, ongoing therapy would be a good fit. Ongoing therapy works best on a weekly or bi-weekly basis however session frequency is determined by the client. Individual & Couples sessions are both available.

50 minutes

affording therapy.

The ability to take care of ourselves can sometimes feel financially out of reach. A portion of sliding-scale sessions are available. Please email us for more details.

*Please check with your employer if you have benefits for psychological services; you may be eligible for full coverage.

be good to yourself.